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Asian Economies and the World Economic Outlook

Date: 19 September 2024  

Time: GMT+2 (Zurich Time): 12:45 to 14:15 | UTC 10:30 – 12:15  

Platform: Zoom Online  

Topic: Asian Economies to World Economic Outlook

Co-organiser: Singularity Academy, Switzerland  


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The Swiss-Asian Chamber of Commerce and Singularity Academy are delighted to host an online workshop titled "Asian Economy and the World Economic Outlook" on September 19, 2024. This Swiss-Asian online event will feature distinguished economists from China, India, Singapore, and Switzerland, who will provide valuable insights into the current economic trends in Asia and their impact on the global economy. The workshop aims to explore the dynamic economic developments in these key Asian markets, their challenges and opportunities, and their implications for the world economic outlook. Participants can engage in thought-provoking discussions, share ideas, and network with experts and industry peers, fostering a deeper understanding of Asia’s evolving role in the global economy.


Opening and Moderated:

Dr. Urs Lustenbrger, President of the Swiss-Asian Chamber of Commerce 


Mr. Mads Pedersen, Swiss Economist, Human Edge Investment Technology (Former Head of Global Asset Allocation at UBS)  

Topic: Introduction, Overview, and Outlook from a Global Perspective


Prof. Dr. Shruti Kapila, Indian Economist, Professor in India politics and economy, Cambridge University 

Topic: The Indian Economy – Challenges and Future Prospects


Prof. Dr. Min Ouyang, Chinese Economist, Tsinghua University, China 

Topic: The Chinese Economy – Challenges and Future Prospects


Mr. Seah Kiat Seng, ASEAN Economist, Managing Director, CIO, Millennia Investment Management, Singapore.

Topic: The ASEAN Economy – Challenges and Future Prospects 


Wrap-Up and Closing: Dr Urs Lustenberger 

​More about Speakers 

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